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W12 CNC 4 roller plate rolling machine


We undertake fabrication and export of premium quality plate rolling machines with pre bending up to 3000 mm length. This plate rolling machines are used in various industries for different processes and is also widely demanded in the national and international markets. Customization is offered as per the clients specifications.

Superiority of hydraulic rolling machine of four roller

1. Hydraulic-driven, high efficiency(driving power equivalent 60% traditional)

2. Permanent lubrication(during bearing life period without refueling)

3. Clamping pressure is adjustable(non-existence of skidding, productivity is 50%-80% more than traditional)

4. Rolling diameter can catch 1.1 times of the top roller


(1)First use of the user, because this is one of the most easy-to-operate machine

(2)Operator lack inspection requires high productivity

(3)Requires high accuracy, improving quality

(4)Due to large size of the board, production of high or for security reasons require handing device,feeding plate form,side and upper feeding device

(5)Want to use CNC operations

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Miembro Gratis desde 23/12/2011

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