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Fast rescue boat

Fast rescue boat


Fast rescue boat
The fast rescue boat is fitted with oil-resistant fender,Outside is equipped with two layers fastening rubbers to exchange.The handrails are arranged for each side of the boat for passenger embarkation.The self-bailing deck design makes quick water exhaust.The self-righting device is installed for fast rescue boat,which meets the requirements of for use on board of the RORO vessel,which is according to the latest regulations of SOLAS and international standards to design and build.

type Main dimension (M) Passenger(p) Navigation speed Host/power
kw Weight
kg Full weight
J6.08B-1 6.0*2.3*1.0 15 3person≥20kn YAMAHA 4LHA-HTP/DTP/STP
BUKH+STEYR SOLAS144/236 1450 2687.5
J6.08B-2 6.0*2.3*1.0 15 15person≥8kn Mercury
60-90HP 1190 2427.5

&&&& &&: 275N CE approval inflatable life jacket
CO2 fire extinguishing system
Marine horizontal/vertical oil fired boiler
Marine air compressor
marine centrifugal pump
marine hydraulic steering gear
Hydraulic capstan
Tunnel thruster/bow thruster

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Miembro Gratis desde 29/07/2013

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